Marketing Planning

Marketing is a lot of work. If you’re a small to medium business owner with no marketing team, finding the time to do everything you should be doing to promote your business can be a challenge. Social media, content creation, landing pages, SEO, email marketing, and PR; the opportunities are endless. Whilst all the channels are extremely beneficial to your marketing, have you firstly come up with the objectives for carrying out these activities? Do you know and understand your customers and know how to communicate to them effectively? Thinking of all of this can add up to a lot of work.

That’s why it’s no wonder that 53% of companies outsource their marketing according to Harvard Business Review. Whilst no one knows your brand better than you, sometimes it takes an outsider to really understand your brand from a consumer/customers point of view.

If your thinking of outsourcing your marketing follow the below simple steps and put a value of your spending time against these. If you want your business to grow having the right team around you is of great importance:

Step 1 – Research & Planning

Take time to listen to your market (and keep listening)

Step 2 – Positioning and content approach

Put yourself where you want to be seen

Step 3 – Promotional Plan

Create a clear plan and apply it to boost your business.

Step 4 – Lead qualification & management

Quality leads are the lifeblood of your business, so be prepared to identify and nurture leads to convert them to customers

Step 5 – Technology

Make sure you have the expertise to target your brand and reach the right people

The key to all of this, is the remember that marketing should never sleep. It’s important to analyse the results, be prepared to regroup and realign your marketing strategy and most of all KEEP GOING. Roman wasn’t built in a day, and the marketing of your company isn’t either. It’s important to remain on point for your target audience whilst being authentic to your brand.