Refreshing your strategy

How to Recognise When Your Marketing Strategy Needs to Change

By | Marketing Strategy, Marketing Trends | No Comments

In the fast-paced world of business, what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Recognising when to pivot your marketing strategy is key to staying relevant and competitive. Here are signs that it might be time to refresh your approach.

  1. Stagnant or Declining Engagement
    If your analytics show a decline in engagement or plateauing results, it’s a clear sign that your audience is not responding to your current strategy.
  1. Changes in Customer Behaviour
    Keep an eye on shifting customer preferences and behaviours. If your target audience is evolving, your marketing needs to evolve with them.
  1. Emerging Competitors

          New competition can quickly change the landscape. If competitors are gaining traction with innovative strategies, it may be time to rethink your approach.

  1. Industry Innovations
    With constant technological advancements and changing industry trends, staying updated and adaptable is crucial.
  1. Lack of Clear ROI
    If your marketing efforts are not demonstrating a clear return on investment, it’s time to reassess and adjust your strategy.

Adapting your marketing strategy is an ongoing process. If you’re noticing these signs and aren’t sure how to proceed, contact us. We specialize in developing dynamic, effective marketing strategies that drive results.

AI in Marketing

How will AI Change the Future of Marketing?

By | AI, Digital Marketing, Marketing Trends | No Comments

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not just transforming the future; it’s reshaping the present, especially in the realm of marketing. As we delve deeper into 2024, let’s explore how AI is set to change the marketing world.

Enhanced Personalisation
AI enables hyper-personalization in marketing. By analysing consumer data, AI can predict customer preferences and behaviours, allowing businesses to tailor their marketing efforts to individual needs.

Predictive Analytics

AI’s ability to analyse vast amounts of data means it can forecast trends and consumer behaviours. This predictive power allows businesses to be proactive rather than reactive in their marketing strategies.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide 24/7 customer service, improving customer experience and gathering valuable data to inform marketing strategies.

Efficient Content Creation
AI can generate content quickly and efficiently, from email marketing campaigns to blog posts, freeing up human marketers to focus on more strategic tasks.

Better ROI Measurement
AI tools can track and analyse the effectiveness of marketing campaigns in real-time, providing insights for more accurate ROI measurement and strategy adjustments.

As AI continues to evolve, embracing its potential is essential for staying competitive. Not sure how to integrate AI into your marketing strategy? Contact us for expert advice and tailored AI marketing solutions.

Marketing Trends 2024

What are the Key Marketing Trends for 2024?

By | Digital Marketing, Marketing Trends, Marketing Trends | No Comments

As we move towards the end of the first quarter of 2024, the marketing landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. We have been asked by clients, what are the latest trends, and how do we stay ahead of the curve? This is crucial for business owners looking to maintain a competitive edge. Therefore, we have put together some key marketing trends you should be aware of this year.

  1. Personalisation at Scale

Consumers now expect a personalised experience. Advances in AI and data analytics allow businesses to tailor their marketing messages to individual preferences, even on a large scale.

  1. Voice and Visual Search

With the rise of smart speakers and visual search technologies, optimising for voice and image search is becoming increasingly important. This means adapting your SEO strategies to be more conversational and image-friendly.

  1. Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and augmented reality experiences, is becoming more popular. These formats not only engage customers but also provide valuable data and insights.

  1. Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Consumers are more environmentally conscious and prefer brands that prioritise sustainability and social responsibility. Transparent and ethical marketing will become even more important.

  1. Video Marketing

Video remains a dominant force in digital marketing. Short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive video content will continue to engage audiences effectively.

6. AI-Driven Marketing:

AI is not just a buzzword; it’s a tool that can automate and optimise many marketing tasks, from content creation to customer service.

As a business owner, adapting to these trends is vital for success. Not sure where to start? Contact us for tailored marketing solutions that keep your business ahead of the curve.

Marketing Planning

DIY Marketing

By | Marketing Planning, Marketing Strategy, SMEs | No Comments

Marketing is a lot of work. If you’re a small to medium business owner with no marketing team, finding the time to do everything you should be doing to promote your business can be a challenge. Social media, content creation, landing pages, SEO, email marketing, and PR; the opportunities are endless. Whilst all the channels are extremely beneficial to your marketing, have you firstly come up with the objectives for carrying out these activities? Do you know and understand your customers and know how to communicate to them effectively? Thinking of all of this can add up to a lot of work.

That’s why it’s no wonder that 53% of companies outsource their marketing according to Harvard Business Review. Whilst no one knows your brand better than you, sometimes it takes an outsider to really understand your brand from a consumer/customers point of view.

If your thinking of outsourcing your marketing follow the below simple steps and put a value of your spending time against these. If you want your business to grow having the right team around you is of great importance:

Step 1 – Research & Planning

Take time to listen to your market (and keep listening)

Step 2 – Positioning and content approach

Put yourself where you want to be seen

Step 3 – Promotional Plan

Create a clear plan and apply it to boost your business.

Step 4 – Lead qualification & management

Quality leads are the lifeblood of your business, so be prepared to identify and nurture leads to convert them to customers

Step 5 – Technology

Make sure you have the expertise to target your brand and reach the right people

The key to all of this, is the remember that marketing should never sleep. It’s important to analyse the results, be prepared to regroup and realign your marketing strategy and most of all KEEP GOING. Roman wasn’t built in a day, and the marketing of your company isn’t either. It’s important to remain on point for your target audience whilst being authentic to your brand.


Lawn Care

Jigsaw supports UK lawn care companies

By | Digital Marketing, Events | No Comments

We were delighted to be asked to presented at the Lawn Service “Spring Get Ready Meeting” hosted by Greener Gardens last week, to a group of independent lawn care companies from all around the UK on the Power of Social Media and Digital Marketing.

Our presentation them through our value first strategy, and the importance for fulling understanding your target audience to ensure that the information you are giving is adding value to you customers. Obviously, the lawn care industry is seasonal and effected by the weather – especially with the climate changes we are experiencing. This can make planning your marketing difficult, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have a rough plan in place that you can tweak accordingly.

We understand the challenges that the lawn care industry is facing across the board; and are honoured to be able to advise on targeted marketing to support the industry. We will also be presenting on the Power of Social Media at the UKLCN Conference on the 9th February 2017 in Marlow.

Get Moving

Jigsaw assist with GetMoving Launch for Amenity Forum

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Why Amenity Matters for every one of us

The last few weeks have been manically busy at Jigsaw HQ, we have been working on a new marketing campaign launch for a client – Amenity Forum at their annual conference on the 13th October.

The GetMoving campaign is an initiative to educate the public as to why weed, pest and disease control in amenity situations is so important and how it affects our everyday life. Without it, we simply would struggle to walk down the street, take the train to visit friends or take part in hobbies such as football and golf.

Through producing different marketing materials; including the GetMoving brand, Edugraphics, animated videos, and information sheets, which are targeted towards both the general public and the amenity sector itself, we were able to launch the initial pack of information to help start the education process. With the client we chose 3 different industry sectors initially – Golf, Trains and Streets and Pavements plus an introduction of Why Amenity Matters and how it affects everyday life.

I have included below the Why Amenity Matters video, I hope you find this of interest. If you are interested in finding out more about all of this, please do get in touch and we can put you in touch with the relevant person.




How To Make Your Equine Event A Success

By | Events | No Comments

I’ve attended many Horse Shows over the summer, some of them busier than others. Which made me think about writing this post. Equine events are no different to any other events, it’s all in the planning and understanding your audience. I hope you enjoy it…

So, you’re arranging your first ever show jumping event – great news! Perhaps you’ve booked an international horse trainer to demonstrate at your next big event – the burning question is ‘Now what? How am I going to fill these spaces?’.

If you’re in the initial stages of organising an equine event, you’re looking for tips and tricks to help make your next one a huge hit or you want to break into the world of equine demos and clinics, there are a few things you should consider before, during and after your event to ensure you gain maximum exposure and reach your desired audience.

Understand your target audience

What is your event? Is it a dressage clinic, an equine healing workshop, a Monty Roberts style demonstration, a showjumping competition, an equine massage workshop, a cross country clinic, a positive reinforcement demonstration, a behavioural workshop, or a charity fun ride?

Depending on the nature of your event, you will probably already have a specific target audience; for example, people interested in show jumping may have different expectations to those who are interested in a dressage clinic or those in need of behavioural expertise for their horse. Where can you find these people? I.e. are they active in specific Facebook groups, can you target them in your local tack shop or perhaps further afield in a national or county show?

Once you know who your target audience is you will know how to reach them, why they will want to come to your event and what they want to learn about…

Make it really obvious – offer a solution to their problems!

What can your spectators and/or riders expect to learn or gain from your event? By this we mean tell your spectators exactly what they can expect to gain. What will they learn? Here’s a short list to get you thinking:

  • A demo they can watch – they will learn how to overcome a particular issue.
  • An event they can perform/compete in – gain points and experience; prize money; fun; raise money for charity.
  • A shopping experience – they can sell their product to a huge audience; embark on a fun shopping spree; meet nutritionists and the professionals.
  • Bring their own horse – the horse will be worked on as a case study and they will learn invaluable skills and techniques

For example: Instead of marketing your event as an ‘Amazing Horse Massage Workshop with so-and-so’, use your imagination and really pin point exactly what people will gain from your event. Something along the lines of ‘How to Help your Horse Recover Quickly’ or ‘Massage: The Key to Success’ might be more compelling.

After all, so-and-so might be leading the demo but what does that even mean? Why will Barbara and her friend Emma benefit from their £65 entry fee? You need to persuade your audience that it’s the best idea ever to part with their hard earned cash.

Stay in touch

Once your event is over, you need to keep in touch with previous visitors – sign them up to your newsletter, point them in the direction of your Facebook and Twitter pages. Make it as easy as possible for you to reconnect with them, sign them up to the next event and share live updates on what’s happening and what to expect.

If you’d like help on how to successfully market your upcoming equine event, contact us today by clicking here or giving us a call on 01480 459087.


The Benefits of Instagram Marketing

By | Digital Marketing, Social Media | No Comments

Let’s get behind the scenes of your business!

Instagram is a hotbed of activity and a great place to market your business, but are you taking full advantage of this incredible social media opportunity?

Amazingly, Instagram is being vastly underused by businesses despite having 400 million active monthly users as of April 2016! Believe it or not, that’s more than Twitter (320 million) and 4 times that of LinkedIn (100 million) and Pinterest (100 million)*. 

So you’ve got a huge audience that’s instantly accessible, your message is easily deliverable to a vast potential customer base through the use of hashtags, and it’s completely free to use, but yet you still haven’t taken advantage of it? Why is that?

Don’t be scared, it’s just pictures!

Possibly the most common reason for businesses not using Instagram to its full potential is due to the fact it’s essentially a picture based platform, rather than word. Now this can seem scary, but it needn’t be. It doesn’t matter whether you make curtains, create delicious recipes, offer freelance PA services or a Lawn care or sports company, every business has something to offer when it comes to Instagram!

By showcasing up and coming products, offering behind-the-scenes sneak peaks or simply introducing members of your team, new contracts or even where you’re travelling for the day, Instagram allows your audience to interact with your business on a more personal level, where they gain insight into how your business runs and how great your staff really are.

That personal touch

If you’re willing to fully utilise Instagram, you will create a more personable and approachable method of interaction with your customer base, where they can follow you on your day-to-day successes. Regular interesting and relevant (and even not so relevant!) posts on Instagram show your followers that your business is forward thinking and proactive, whilst promoting your core values, ethics and practices for your customers to see.

It’s not uncommon to find that potential clients become more likely to purchase from you if they see that your company’s ethics and beliefs align with their own morals; Instagram is the perfect platform to easily portray how happy and enthusiastic you and your workforce truly are.

Free research and feedback! 

It can cost hundreds if not thousands of pounds to have focus groups and individual testers review your product or service, but Instagram can offer you a range of valuable information for FREE! Simply by spending a little bit of time researching certain tags you may well be able to find posts regarding your company, your product or service. It doesn’t matter whether they’re positive or negative, these little parcels of information are nuggets of gold that give you an insight into your customer profile and help you constantly improve your business – plus it’s absolutely free!

Untapped market 

As we mentioned in the beginning of this post, Instagram is vastly underused by businesses. If you’re not currently using this powerful platform, are your competitors? If they’re not, you can easily gain a huge advantage over them simply by tapping into one of the largest social media platforms currently available!

If you’d like more information on how Instagram could help your business, on training on how to use Instagram don’t hesitate to contact us by clicking here.



ow to attract your perfect client

Attract your perfect client

By | Branding, Marketing Strategy | No Comments

Do You Struggle to Attract Your Perfect Client?

 Have you ever worked with a dream client? One who you makes you think ‘I wish all of my clients were like you’. Well guess what? Not every client is of equal stature; some are painfully difficult to work with. Sometimes communication is non-existent/you spend days chasing them for important information, other times they just ‘don’t get it’ and on some occasions they’re just rude and obnoxious.

We all want to work with friendly, open minded people wherever possible, so how can you increase your chances of finding the perfect client and securing that all important sale or contract?

Sharing is caring

Forming long lasting, healthy business relationships in order to promote growth and prosperity is, ultimately, at the heart of every business. In order to gain the ‘perfect’ client time and time again, you need to understand what your business stands for. Once you’re clear about this, you will be able to attract the customers who are aligned with your brand’s ethos.

OK, let’s make this even simpler:

You need to reach out and let your brand’s beliefs, values and character shine through like a bright beacon, just as you would when making new friends.

Getting this right will equip you with the tools to attract the perfect client because they’ll be attracted to you too, after all, you both share the same beliefs and values – simple!

Strong character grabs attention

It’s important to gain authority within your sector; character and authority go hand in hand. You can promote a strong character by sticking to your belief and values. You’ll need to have integrity too – never falter on your values. This might all sound rather easy, but it does take time and dedication to build an unfalteringly good reputation. The results, however, will be worth tenfold.

Putting it into action

Firstly, review your business. What are its core beliefs and values? From here you can start to build the persona of your ideal client and understand who they are and what the best way to communicate with them is.

Ask yourself what tone your perfect client would be drawn to; loose and friendly or formal and professional? Think about the places they are likely to ‘hang out’; this could be Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or Pinterest, for example. This will also tell you about the formats in which to produce your marketing content, i.e. blogs, articles, videos, photos, infographics etc.

Equipped with your strengthened set of beliefs and core values, you’ll be able to portray your personality across all of the marketing you produce and you’ll attract the perfect clients.

The missing piece of the jigsaw

Don’t worry if this all sounds a little daunting because we run brand review days for clients of all sizes with the aim of taking the stress away from analysing something so close to you. Oftentimes it becomes all too much to evaluate how your own business portrays itself.

Once your brand has been revised we can then build your Audience Personas. This includes researching photos of your perfect client and working through your biggest ‘pain point’ in order to work out the best way to communicate with them.

Equipped with the knowledge required to effectively connect with your perfect client, we can build a successful marketing campaign packed full of carefully created content in order to generate those all-important online conversations, which lead to positive sales.

For more information on attracting the perfect client, building successful marketing campaigns, plus much, much more, sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of our page, or give us a call on 01480 459087.

Content Flow Model

Content Marketing Strategy

By | Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing Strategy | No Comments

Content Flow Model

Building a successful marketing campaign is great fun and it can take your customers through a structured journey that ultimately leads to a sale of some kind. The flip side is that creating your content calendar takes a lot more than merely deciding what you’d like to talk about each month and putting pen to paper (or rather fingers to keyboard).

A successful marketing campaign needs to specifically target multiple audiences in order to broaden your customer base and ultimately build your profile. Creating a comprehensive Content Flow Model will enable you to tap into different audiences and markets by creating relatable content that they’ll find interesting.

You have multiple audiences

A great way to think of this is similar to how you would go about marketing a pair of headphones; runners will be interested to know how well they stay on your head whilst moving about, musicians will be interested to find out how well the speaker performs, and teenagers will be interested to find out if they’re waterproof, easy to pack into a backpack or if they’re endorsed by a celebrity. This is obviously highly stereotypical and a runner may also be interested in the performance of the speaker (for instance), but for the most part, each specific audience group will have certain criteria they are interested in.

Now, you could attempt to create each piece of marketing content into a ‘one size fits all’ where you endeavour to cram in as much information as possible in order to reach out to each audience group, but you’ll likely find that this will end up alienating your target market and very few people will actually relate to your content. Instead, the key is to segregate your audiences and target them individually. 

Effectively target each audience

This is where the Content Flow Model comes into play. Once you’ve narrowed down your key target audiences and researched what they’re interested in, how they prefer to digest marketing content and their typical online habits, you’ll be able to map out how to effectively target each audience. From here, you can follow where each audience is within the ‘customer lifecycle’ in order to provide them with the next step in their journey to bring them one step closer to a sale.

Utilising a Content Flow Model also allows you to monitor the use of different media (blogs, articles, newsletters, infographics, etc.) at a glance so that you’re not relying heavily on one type of media, but instead making the most of each media’s individual merits and strengths.

Keep connected

A further (and very important) benefit of creating a Content Flow Model is keeping existing customers up-to-date and interested in your latest innovations. Whilst gaining new customers is imperative for growing your business, creating a loyal following and enjoying repeat custom can go a long way to boosting public perception of your business and growing its standing within your chosen market.

For more information on how a Content Flow Model could help your business thrive and break into new markets or attract new key demographics, click here to enquire how we can help or give us a call on 01480 459087 and talk to a member of our friendly team.